Thursday, August 5, 2010

Finally Approved

Hello everyone.
My name is Brenda and I am a 48 year old divorced woman living in St. Louis, MO. I am 5'5" and weigh 325 pounds. Yes, that is correct....325 pounds.

How did this happen?

I was not a fat child. At 23, when I found out that I was pregnant, I weighed 135 pounds. So what happened? Well, have you heard the old saying that when you are pregnant that you are "eating for two"? Well, I lived by the rule. I was going to make sure that I ate so that my baby would eat. I was packing on about 10 to 20 pounds a month, easily. Then when it came to the end of my pregnancy when most women put on a few pounds, I was so overweight and just gained more. Almost 10 months later when I went into delivery, I weighed 285 pounds.

Ok, then why didn't I just get up and exercise like most new moms? I was always tired and ashamed of what I had become. Plus there was just SO MUCH weight; I didn't think that I could just loose it. So I settled for being fat.

Now, I want to state right now that I think that there are several beautiful BBW's in the world that are perfectly happy. After I moved to St. Louis and realized that there are several men in this area that LOVE big and beautiful women, then I accepted what I was and became proud.

My son is now 25 and is worried that I won't be around for his children when he settles down to start a family. Talk about a door slamming in your face. I have lived my whole live making sure that my son's needs were met. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, educationally...that I felt I didn't have time for myself. Now, I know that was an excuse because I could have found the time.

So in early December of 2009, I walked into a seminar that was being held by Des Peres Hospital for their Bariatric program. It changed my life. I immediately contacted my insurance company to see if this was was...and what was needed on my part to qualify.

In order to qualify, I had to have a Psyche evaluation. I had to have 6 months documented weight loss program, such as Weight Watchers. Well, I only had 4 months before I gave that up. So I decided to use the Nutritionist that Des Peres Hospital has on staff in the My New Self Program.

So starting in January of 2010, I was a program with the Nutritionist at DPH. First thing she taught me? Give up Soda. ALL SODA, even diet. It was hard but I did it. Then over the months she taught me what was good and bad carbs, portion control, eating slower (it takes 20 minutes for your brain to get the signal that you are full), taking smaller bites, eating fresh (I stopped eating out of a box and can), just to name a few.

It was amazing how much I changed in those 6 months that I know that I am ready for the surgery. Because already, when I was eating, if I ordered an Asian salad at the local chain restaurant, I could not eat the whole salad. One of the little hamburger shooters was filling me up.

So today is August 5th and I am scheduled for Surgery on August 9th.

I will be in the hospital for three days but I will start blogging again when I get out.

Also note: I am not an expert. These blogs are going to be regarding my experience and MINE alone. Hopefully, it will help someone that is trying to figure out if this is the path for them make the decision because, I am going to post the truth…good and bad… about my journey with becoming the New Me in St. Louis.

Hugs to everyone.

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